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FUZZ rong FR-69

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:22 pm
by fendersilver
The FUZZrong is amazing many professionals with its tonal performance.
Foot operated, it offers the guitarist sound effects ranging from fuzzy to
the wildest distortion. It is sturdily built and designed with the best
materials available to give it a variety of expressive sounds.

The FUZZrong features two controls, one for output volume and one for
the depth of the tone. Maximum volume is achieved by turning the Volume
dial to the left, minimum volume to the right. The depth control not only
adjusts treble and bass to the left for treble & more fuzz and over to the
right for maximum bass & less fuzz.

This one has two germanium transistors; an AC-128, and an OC-81D.





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