Long and short of it. The option to pay via PayPal is no more. It's good old-fashioned BACS or SWIFT wire transfers from here on out, that can be paid for via Wise for folk wishing to use credit or debit cards. The updated order process is shown on the direct sales page, link below in my signature. It is a little bit of a slower process, no more snatch and grab kinda vibes, maybe that's a good thing!? Separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.
Any huw, There are Dope Priests available to order should it be of interest, as shown below. These are only available in the DP-77 format, which is the original circuit type of the Dope Priest. In a nutshell, an exact sonic clone of a prime 76-77 EH built unit minus the tsunami of background noise but with all the glorious midrange avalanche of awesomeness.