The deed is done. Sincere apologies for the slight delay on these, people. I'll be honest the transistor set-up was a lot more taxing than I anticipated. The words round hole and square peg spring to mind. Didn't help with trying to get an uber even consistency of the full 25 units I have made. So that's the good news. Bad news is I'm outta town from tomorrow until next Sunday so I'm afraid these still will not ship out for another week, t'is but a rain drop in the grand scheme of things. I'll be shipping on the 8th and 9th December. I've been overly precise thus far so don't really want to rush the final testing and boxing up.
I'll change this update out for descriptive words and such soon enough. Blasting one off to mon frere Johnston so maybe some sound and shits too.
I really do appreciate the patience on this project, it was a pretty intense son of bitch for the most part. If folk have queries and what not send word. A lil pr0n to be going on with....
...10 bonus points to the first to guess the thing I ripped-off