Tonally the Dizzytron sounds like the demented love child of a Buzzaround and a MKIdaCod wrote:whoa! shit hot build. hows it stack up to, say, a DAM buzzaround?

Similar vibe to the BA but has a more MKI like gated sizzly zip on single notes and a lovely crumbly decay when playing power chord riffs.
The Buzzaround is a very aggressive high gain fuzz circuit but the Dizzy takes things to the next level

Sustain at half is plenty, turn it up full and it peels your face off

What's in my sig is how the Cap described the tone to Iain....says it all really

I really hope this turns into a regular build as I'm sure there's plenty folks on here who'd love to take the Dizzy for a spin. Ace pedal!
Oh and the box the Captain is using for these and the Buzztronix is cool as fuck