Titan/battery problem

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Titan/battery problem

Post by GuitarOtoko »

I was just playing with one of my titans and i rolled my volume down to clean up the tone and i started getting weird noises when i played a note. It wasnt happening earlier in the day :hmm: Then plugged in my other titan, same thing again :doh: its never happened before and seems bizzare theyd both start doing it at the same time. I was running them off batteries and when i switched to a power supply the problem stopped. Also tried altering the trimpot inside one and turning it a bit to the right stopped the problem. ANyone got any ideas what gives? and why it only happened with a battery? Just wondering if anyone else out theres experienced this...

Any thoughts would be much appreciated,
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The Captain
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Re: Titan/battery problem

Post by The Captain »


What batteries you using? How fresh are they?

You just got the Titan in the signal chain?

Is it happening all the time regardless of the settings on the Titan?
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Re: Titan/battery problem

Post by GuitarOtoko »

I first noticed with the new gold titan i just received in the post the same day, so its battery had only seen about 2 or 3 hours of use probably. The other ones battery was probably quite a bit older, not sure exactly. They were just the same ones D*A*Ms come with. Was just running the titans each on their own with nothing else in the chain. Not sure about the settings but ill have a mess about when i can. I had the gain up full, volume at about 1 or 2 oclock and tone around 3 oclock.

It seemed fine running off a power supply so I guess i can just do that, I do sometimes like to use batteries though and am curious what the reason behind it was.
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The Captain
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Re: Titan/battery problem

Post by The Captain »

How very odd. Are you able to try the Titans with another guitar and/or amp!?! I've never encountered this issue myself so I'm kinda in the dark as to what it causing it. :freak:

...and when you say weird noises....like odd note decay? or like radio interference?
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Re: Titan/battery problem

Post by GuitarOtoko »

I dont have another guitar at the moment, i wouldve said maybe it was my guitar but it only happens on batteries.

Its kinda the decay, its like itll make a noise id describe as a blip or two when the note fades out, like the sound fuzzs like a fuzz factory squelch when being gated out though it doesnt quite stop the note ringing. it only happens with the volume down low on my guitar and i tried different settings earlier and it only happens with the gain past about 3 oclock. Its not a huge problem its just bizzare and puzzling.
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