Toneczar echoczar?

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Toneczar echoczar?

Post by Hymnal »

Been offered one with angel baby, are they worth it? I'm only really concerned about resell value more than how good they sound, as its a lot of cash to drop on a pedal. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.. I notice they haven't changed in five plus years, has anything come close in that time or is this still the bees knees?
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by Coolhand78 »

I dont own one but am on the list which when i got on was around 5 years...? I do own the powerglide and it is an amazing trem, I think if you want a nice analog delay with modulation and your getting a good deal then go for it, but if your not super picky about your delay and would be happy with say a diamond memory lane or similar then maybe you would be better passing on it...

from your post you do say your only concerned about resale value, if you bought it new then you would most likely make money on reselling it, as the wait list is so long, if you're getting as a trade on on the 2nd market then you probably wont as its a bit of a funny market for these things at the moment from what i can tell...
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by Hymnal »

I really love a good delay, my favourite delay ever was my old Moog MF104m, which I foolishly sold.

I'd be getting it in a trade: second hand. I'd be putting my Diamond Mem lane jr, providence chrono and a DAM super bee up for it. The echoczar comes with the angel baby. IS it a good deal?

I'm not put off by the expense of the unit, but it will be gutting if i lose out on it as the three pedals i'd be trading i like a lot.
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by Coolhand78 »

i think ultimately the 3 pedals that you are trading are quite easily replaced where as the echoczar isn't... if it were me (i'm a delay junkie) i'd probably go for it... but you really need to way up whether or not you're willing to let those 3 go... like i said they are replaceable but you need to do the sums and determine how much you've put into those pedals verses how much they would cost to replace should the echoczar not be for you...
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by Hymnal »

Have you played one?

I can live without the super bee, and the echoczar will (I'm sure) do everything the mem lane can do, so really it's down to the chrono, which is fab but I only use it as a long delay time digital delay, which many cheaper digi delays can do.

What is the warranty policy with the Toneczar stuff? Will it transfer to new owners? I'm pretty set on it.
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by Coolhand78 »

I haven't played one, though as i mentioned i am on the list for one... as far as the warranty is concerned i just checked the documents I received with my powerglide and there's no mention on warranty or transferability... so i'm not sure on that one sorry...

if you can live with out the bee then the other 2 pedals are easily replaced should the echoczar not work out for you...
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by redeyeflight »

I can definitely say the echoczar is a unique pedal having owned one for a bit. Has some unique features and sounds very much like a DM-2/3 (warm, melts into the mix nicely) but with way longer delay time. Tremendous amount of headroom on it which makes it great for fuzz and also keyboards. Downsides? It's huge (esp when you add the angelbaby to the mix), doesn't have tap tempo, might be too dark if you're used to a deluxe memory man, and it's modulation...while nice...isn't the widest ranging and doesn't work on high delay time settings. In the end I have to say I much prefer the moog MF-104M. It's delays stand out more in the mix, it has tap tempo, the modulation is incredibly flexible and easy to use, and every single parameter can be controlled via control voltage/expression pedal or MIDI. The echoczar was probably the end all be all delay 10 years ago but the moog just upstages it on almost every level nowadays. End of the day: if you like your delays to sit back in the mix and use them more for lead work and unobtrusive thickening you may prefer the echoczar in terms of tone. The moog stands out a but more and has a more pronounced tone great for dub and psychedelic type stuff. I choose moog but again, personal preference
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by Hymnal »

Interesting opinions there, many thanks.

The main attraction of the echoczar is the modulation for me, so it's a bit disappointing to hear that the modulation lacks: and also good to hear a comparison to my favourite delay, the moog. The cv controlled option was ace with that (I used a Koma Elektronik proximity controller thing, it was awesome!). The modulation on the moog was perfect for me, how would you say that compared? Is the moog a deeper sounding delay altogether?
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by redeyeflight »

Yes. The modulation on the moog wipes the floor on the echoczar. Deeper sounding is a good way of putting it. Don't get me wrong the echoczar sounds fantastic but if the moog is already your favorite delay (like it is for me) that won't change when you get an least that was my experience.
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Re: Toneczar echoczar?

Post by welshchris »

I've always fancied an echoczar. However reckon if I had cash to drop on an Expensive delay these days the Moog would be first choice, have heard nothing but glowing reports on the Moogs.
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