D*A*M/Sola Sound Tone Bender MKII SCB

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D*A*M/Sola Sound Tone Bender MKII SCB

Post by The Captain »


Shi Shaw! Cool new product 2 :party:

Variations on a theme. Indeed. Enough of a theme to make a variation of it. The Tone Bender MKII - SCB - Small (or short) Circuit Board. You could use about a million other post name tags for it but we dig the three letter trip. Kinda rolls of the tongue, ay. SCB! Gibbersish aside. What the hell is this?
Its a Tone Bender MKII based on the earliest known version of the circuit. If differs in a few ways. It doesn't have the pull-down capacitor on the input, its built on (obviously given the name) a smaller circuit board and the tone, in keeping with the units of this type I have seen, is a little more choppy or heavy in artifacts. Its generally brighter and dare I say a little more crunchy and a little more teeth claws at full Attack. The Tone Bender Professional MKII I make for Sola Sound is pretty tall in its shit. Kinda stout, almost like the mids are reinforced, not heavy or saggy like a Fuzz Face but solid. Bam! It stamps it foot down under heavy fuzz. This version is like a step back on the meat, trimmed a little leaner with a touch of spice on top.
These pedals also differ from the other Tone Benders in the Sola Sound gang as we opted to use the good ole OC75's here. Black glass and for the most part unbranded. There is the odd Mullard stamped device in our stash but I ain't picking these at random so they have magic words inside. The chips fall where they may. Gain selection and tone quality always comes first.



I mainly used this as my reference point ^ though with smattering more gain. This is Anthony Macari's own Tone Bender. T'is a fine specimen. Pretty low on gain but smoother and pretty well balanced from crustiness to clarity. Not too decayed that it farts out but just enough to make for an interesting and musical experience. The gain on this olde is only just pushing past that of our OC84 loaded MKI.5 so a hair extra snarl at full bore in our funky blue creation made more than good sense.
Blue? Yes, that's right. Blue. Why? Why not? Blue hammertone is sexy is it not. Makes for a modern twist while having some vintage roots. With the colour being so striking it made sense to keep the graphics clean and simple. Its a Tone Bender, does what it says on the tin.


There are 25 in the this current batch like this. Not sure how this rolls out after that. Same deal as always here with these products. I'm just the builder. They are Sola Sound pedals, you have to speak to the Macari's if you are interested in acquiring and/or wish to find out pricing and shipping informations. You can contact them here:


A brief round up of the sonics. It is the brightest of the D*A* M made Sola Sound Tone Benders with the most aggression at full Attack. It has the most grungy artifacts as the guitar volume is dialed back, not gated but choppy. If you dig the MKII vibe but you want more bite, prefer the frayed edges as apposed to maximum smoothness and want to have a sex-tastic blue box at your feet, this would the one for you.

Pr0n :party:













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Re: D*A*M/Sola Sound Tone Bender MKII SCB

Post by Laundromat »

My name here.

Blue is the word! OC75 compliments the perky lady bits. Don't be fooled by the lack of branding on the trannies, good shit is just as good even without the buzzword.

Oh yes, launch party in the chatroom.
Last edited by Laundromat on Tue May 10, 2011 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Electric Warrior »

aaaaah, beautiful! Great stuff!

We're having the release party on the chat room right now :wink2:
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Post by imguitardan »

Looks good. I'm emailing Ant for the list.
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Post by Funky Druid »

Nice! Count me in!
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Re: D*A*M/Sola Sound Tone Bender MKII SCB

Post by pigeontoe »

Anthony, please oh please add me to the list. I am away from the computer now and can't send a proper email. I will send a proper one when I get home.
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Re: D*A*M/Sola Sound Tone Bender MKII SCB

Post by psycho*daisies »

Email sent to Mr. Anthony!
from the humble psycho*davy, esq. :party:
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Re: D*A*M/Sola Sound Tone Bender MKII SCB

Post by 1bottlerocket »

I'll have what she's having
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Electric Warrior
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Post by Electric Warrior »

I can already imagine the fuzz nerds in 2055 wondering why the blue ones aren't labled "Professional MKII" :hihi:

"Did they forget the second silkscreen?"
"They must be transitional units, made on left over two transistor transistional tone bender (ttttb) boards"
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Post by redeyeflight »

email sent in...this is something I like!!!!
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